Endorsements for Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder

Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA

“Romantic partners of adults with ADHD need good information—they really need it. Fortunately, Tschudi’s new book, Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder, is loaded with good information. Not only is she herself the romantic partner of someone with ADD, she is also a therapist, and that clinical wisdom shines through. If you are the romantic partner of someone with ADD, you owe it to yourself to read this book.”

 —Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA, author of Understand Your Brain, Get More Done; More Attention, Less Deficit; and Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD

Ed Jesalva, M.D.

Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder takes the reader through the journey of recognizing and dealing with the havoc created by ADD. This book can benefit both the non-ADD individual as well as the partner with ADD. It is illustrative of the difficulties that I find in my patient population and can provide a source of knowledge, facts, and practical tools for rebuilding and enhancing a couple’s relationship. I also highly recommend it for clinicians working in the field of mental health.”

—Ed S. Jesalva, MD, experienced psychiatrist and consultant

Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD

“Susan Tschudi has written a helpful book from the perspective of a non-ADD spouse. Loving Someone with ADD not only provides facts and refutes myths about ADD, but also gives hope to spouses and partners. She emphasizes important topics such as addiction, conflict resolution, and self-care. I recommend this book to couples in which either one or both of the partners are affected by ADD.”

—Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD, author of 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD, Making the Grade with ADD, ADD and Your Money, and Adult ADD: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Dennis Lowe, PhD and Emily Scott-Lowe PhD

Loving Someone with Attention Deficit Disorder is a wonderful and needed tool for couples. First, Tschudi expands our understanding of the impact of ADHD on individuals and relationships. She then offers practical and specific coping strategies to empower couples with the skills needed to manage the challenges of ADHD together.”

—Dennis Lowe, PhD, professor of psychology at Pepperdine University and Emily Scott-Lowe, PhD, director of social work at Pepperdine University


Barton Goldsmith, PhD

“ADD and ADHD have damaged many relationships. Partners of people with this complicated issue sometimes take it personally or don’t understand that their mate may not be in control of his or her own thought process. Tschudi’s book will help couples make sense of this misunderstood dilemma and assist them in making healthy choices about their own relationships.”

—Barton Goldsmith, PhD, author of Emotional Fitness for Couples

William Doherty, PhD

“This book will be immensely helpful if you are married to someone with ADHD. It will help you find and keep your balance. It will help you understand your partner and not act like a frustrated parent. Tschudi has written a wise, practical, and compassionate book.”

—William Doherty, PhD, is professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota and author of Take Back Your Marriage